Global Thinking Project
Young Brent Foundation (YBF), PLIAS Resettlement, Start Easy and Brent Council have formed a partnership to create a young women's diversionary project which we have named Global Thinking. In line with the United Nation's agenda to make gender equality a reality by 2030 Global Thinking will take action against gender based violence by:
1. Protecting the victim/survivors
2. Prevention of gender-based violence
3. Building a human rights culture
4. Gender in youth work and youth organisations
5. Developing initiatives and strategies addressing gender -based violence
Global Thinking Project Final Report
About the programme
- Prevention group work for identified vulnerable girls and young women.
- One-to-one and groupwork sessions focusing on emotional wellbeing and positive affirmations.
- Training on gender identity and gender based violence.
- Residential opportunities that will deliver awareness raising, human rights education, resilience building.
Who was it for?
- Ages 10-25
- Identified Connection to Brent.
- Experience or risk of Gender based violence and/or exploitation.
"My confidence has grown since working with Global Thinking."
"This service has supported my Grandad aswell as working with me. I feel so much happier since working with Sandra."
"Antoniette has been a rock for me throughout my journey. she has supported me with my housing and getting into work."
"I can now identify right and wrong and am better at making decisions that no longer puts me at risk."
"County Line is no longer apart of my make up."
Safe Spaces for Girls & Young Women in Brent
- DWP - Womens Group
- Brent Baby Bank
- Brent Mind
- The Church End and Roundwood Unity Centre (Church Road)
- Young Roots - Refugee Girls 11-21yrs
- PILAS Resettlement - DV Support Spaces
- The Phoenix Project - DV Support Space
- Global Thinking Group Work Three Tree
- Higher Potenial - Provinding Safe Space with (GYW)