Become a YBF community researcher!
What is a community researcher?
Community researchers are trained and supported to conduct research within their own community – in this case, Sudbury, Kingsbury or Wembley, because as you live or attend school or even work in those areas, you know it best. Community researchers talk to people in their community to find out more about a research topic. In this project we’re aiming to understand what Environmental issues mean to young people in your communities; what opportunities there are to engage with social action issues; and what people would like to see more of in the future.
Why become a community researcher?
- Learn new skills – get free training in research skills such as interviewing and analysing the outputs.
- Meet new people – work with other young community researchers in Brent.
- Help people in your community to have their say - spend time talking to young people in your community about what’s important to them and use this information to influence the development of social action activities in Sudbury, Kingsbury and Wembley.
- A £100 voucher as a thank you!
What does it involve?
- Taking part in about 2.5 days of online research training and support.
- Spending about 2.5 days putting your new skills into practice to collect data. This will involve talking to young people about environmental issues local to you – we’ll be there to support you all the way.
- One or two days tidying up notes from your data collection
- Spending a day with us and the other community researchers to interpret the data.
- All activities will take place between July and September 2022.
Want to know more?
To learn more and ask questions about this opportunity join our online event on Saturday 23rd July at 1pm – 2pm.
If you have any question please contact
Click here to register